Native plants: A winter reminder of their importance in our wildlife garden
A wild turkey eyes what is remaining of our Northern Sea Oat seeds growing in our garden. The two young males visit the Sea oats on a daily basis, stripping the seeds which in themselves are elegant additions to the fall garden. (See image below)
Wild turkeys teach us a lesson or two about native plants and garden cleanup
Every day I’m reminded of the importance of planting native plants in our garden. It’s easy to see the importance in spring, summer and fall when the pollinators are buzzing around the coneflowers and the hummingbirds are working the cardinal flowers on an hourly basis.
But, it’s in the dead of winter that I’m being reminded every day of how much wildlife depends on native plants in our woodland garden. You would be forgiven if you thought the goldfinches feasting on the Black Eyed Susan seeds was the reminder.
But that’s not it.
Every day for the past few months it has been our two male wild turkeys that remind me of the importance of growing native grasses, plants, shrubs and trees.
The two male Wild Turkeys that have taken up residence in our backyard are also the perfect illustration of why we should leave fall garden cleanup until spring – especially when it comes to cutting down native grasses.
You don’t need to plant Northern Sea Oats in your garden to attract wild turkeys or other birds and wildlife. Plant it because it is a beautiful and elegant addition to any garden. Consider the wildlife as just an added bonus.
Turns out that wild turkeys – at least the ones in our yard – are big fans of Northern Sea Oats grasses. Not a day goes by that I don’t see our wild turkeys eating the seeds of the Northern Sea Oats. In fact, the other day one of the gobblers was laying down among the sea oats while his buddy stripped the seeds off the plants.
For more on the importance of native plants, be sure to check out my earlier posts:
Bringing Nature Home, How you can sustain wildlife with Native Plants by Doug Tallamy. This is a review of his outstanding book that has changed the way so many of us garden.
Why we should be using native plants in our gardens. and why they are critical to our future
A Garden Revolution: Ecological gardening is way of the future
I’m convinced that without the sea oat grasses, our friendly wild turkeys would be long gone rather than winter residents in the garden. They spend most of their day hidden up in a more wild corner of the yard, coming out several times a day to snack on the native grass and, of course, take advantage of the feed I spread out for them under the bird feeders.
I looked out one cold day to find the two wild turkeys enjoying themselves in the Northern Sea Oats. One laying down eating the seeds, the other standing so he could reach the higher seed heads. Consider growing this lovely native grass and be sure to leave it standing all winter. You might just be surprised about who is using it.
Of course the wild turkeys are not the only wildlife either living in or regularly visiting the garden and the native plants in it.
Earlier today I watched as two Juncos fed on more native wildflower seeds in a corner of the yard.
Juncos, several species of woodpeckers, cardinals, jays, chickadees and nuthatches join rabbits, fox, deer, raccoons, possums and a host of insects, amphibians and reptiles that call our garden home. While not all depend directly on the native plants in the garden, it’s probably safe to say that they all benefit in some way from the native plants in the garden.
Acorns from the oak trees feed the wildlife, along with the berries from the serviceberries and dogwoods on the property. Viburnum, wild grape, Virginia creeper… the list goes on. Without host plants we would not have caterpillars and therefore parent birds would have nothing to feed their young.
It’s a never ending cycle of dependency that we cannot ignore in our gardens. I’m not one to say that every plant in our gardens has to be native, but if we all make an attempt to plant as many native plants as possible in our gardens and ensure that any non-natives are not harmful to our environment, we will be on the road to helping our local wildlife survive today and into the future.
Wild Ginger is a native ground cover that just might make a great replacement for your hosta plants.